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Monthly Archives: October 2016


Gods Creatures

Of course the law of reincarnation is as old as God’s creatures. Prior to Spiritism doctrines are reencarnacionistas, as noted by Papus, or Dr. Gerard Encausse, doctor in Cabala, medico-jefe of the laboratory of the Charite Hospital, in Paris, of the LInitiation magazine, Member founding director of the independent group of esoteric studies, of the Martinist order of the Kabbalist Rosicrucian order, etc.. Wrote: With effect, reincarnation was taught as an esoteric mystery * 9 inread more…


French Equatorial Africa

englandnd owned the island of St. Helena and American islands of Trinidad, Tobago, Jamaica, Bahamas and Bermuda, British Guiana (now Guyana), British Honduras, etc. A number of former British colonies, where the number immigrants from England far exceeded the number of Aboriginal people prevailed, received dominion status within the British Commonwealth with the right of independent international relations. These were Canada, Newfoundland (in 1946, will become part of Canada), South Africa (in 1961 out of theread more…