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Monthly Archives: November 2019


Foundation Joaquin Nabuco

Observing the social paper of the museum while space that inserts inhabitants and tourist in cultural activities with exchanges of experiences. Such interest for these cultural exchanges stimulates the growth of the tourism. Bayard Boiteux and Maurcio Werner (2002), affirm that ' ' the tourism today is a cultural experience that it seduces for the diversity, main landmark of the product, and that it generates the displacement of turista.' ' This citation standes out the idearead more…


Foundation Gilbert Freyre

This in compliance with the estimated one of the Strategical Plan of the Tourism of Pernambuco? PETPE (2008-2020), configured for the Secretariat of Tourism of the State, how much to the trends the promotion of the cultural tourism as alternative viable for the incentive of this modality. Ahead of the displayed one, and also of the current conjuncture lived for the public administration in all the spheres federal, state and municipal, in what it relates toread more…



The first page of a book When child, dreamed in writing estrias where all could read. I searched inspiration in the estrias that the papa counted. I am alone in a small room, with thoughts in all the directions. In one of the stages of my life I am to remember. Son of poor family third of the eleven brothers, with a mother who had in the look an intense will of living. My father, aread more…


Words Worth Reading

Try at first to read this material according to their level, while you progress, more may be required in reading, would be a mistake to try to read too much content beyond the comprehension of the reader. Like all skill, reading is progressive. The more time invested listening and reading, the faster the adjustment process in the future. An hour of listening and reading is more effective than traditional classroom hours. Other leaders such as Gregread more…


Stefan Kusiek

” He saw one here highly professional team, that in addition to the hundreds of volunteers who worked for the World Cup of the professions in the last two years, did an outstanding job. He was sure that the world will be excited by the WorldSkills Leipzig itself. The professional establishment of the competition venue for the Web designer was Herbert Hahn base for the workshop supervisor of the competition environment of CAD enough to engageread more…