Agustin Gomez-Arcos

AGUSTiN GoMEZ arches (1933-1998) on all sides, the rich were poor from left-wing and right-wing. The latter were given the generic name of red, Word as pronounced by a rich, it is stamped on the face of the poor as a spit, as for that mark on it the signs of a new disease as contagious as the plague, cholera, leprosy. Red, relentless Word, without the minor charity. It was a Word, stunted, disqualified, a Word without love, with much hatred Agustin Gomez-Arcos. THE voice gagged by the FRANCOISM in the beginnings of the Decade of the sixties of the last century appear in our country works by new playwrights (almost all of them coincide, in his early works, in a neo-realist line, whose most obvious feature is a critical attitude fustigadora and complaint against Spanish society), is when the Spanish theater seems more open to a possible renewal since the end of the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco. Without However, the prohibitions of censorship and administrative pressures, together with the consequent inhibition of entrepreneurs, prevented that renewal in this promising line neo-realist or social-realista. Most of the authors were doomed to silence or brand new only minor works or very mutilated texts, almost all took refuge in the book and some, even, they left dramatic writing or opted for exile. Of the latter, in a lively and postlorquiana trend of a powerful critical sense, is Agustin Gomez arches, whose first release general elections, took place in 1960, and soon, was forced to leave Spain, to exile in France, where fully triumphed. His work has been translated into many languages, while in our country has kept the boycott to it, to the point that we now have to get translated. The poet, novelist and playwright Agustin Gomez bows or Agustin Gomez-Arcos, as he signed the works published in France, was born in Enix, Almeria, 15 in January 1933, and died in Paris on March 20, 1998.