Boyfriends Crisis

Paris or Madrid’ ‘ , it said un specialist business-oriented, Ghali Alaoui, general director of the travel agency Cosmic Travel. For these small trips, it has that to foresee more or less 400 dollars. Absence of trips to the exterior, Cosmic Travel offers a special package of local destination for ‘ ‘ Saint Valentine’ ‘: Excursions and strolls of Lisbon, Port, Brazil. Packages of scripts and trips in private group and. Atraintes tourist visits guided and circuit.

Places that offer the charm of a romantic environment. In the truth, the defenders of the Day of the Boyfriends are procurandomais fancies. With budgetes lesser, some hotels for example in Marrakech-Morocco offer to discountings of 20 30%. Curiously, Day of the Boyfriends is an essentially feminine event. ‘ ‘ Almost the majority of reserves during this period is made by mulheres’ ‘ , it said a hoteleiro. However, 14 of February fall in the way of the week this year, the trips are rare. In the truth, it has that to wait 2015 so that the Day of the Boyfriends is in the weekend.

Until there, the incontornvel for the cupidas nights it is the romantic supper. In this direction, the most prominent restaurants compete to offer creative menu of glamourosa. ‘ ‘ Champagne’ ‘ , flavorful meat and cured salmon are obligator. Andres Halbert, chef of the restaurant ‘ ‘ Me the Bretagne’ ‘ it offers to a menu of convenience with a pearl cured salmon of Morocco. One mixes pleasant of French and Moroccan kitchen. It has that to foresee 650 70 DH corresponding dollars for person to seat to the table of the restaurant. The Coffee in Hotel Hyatt Regency is a little less with a promocional price of 590 DH. The capstan remains faithful to its reputation, considering an alliance between baked meat and chocolate. However, the invoice is saltier: 800 DH (100 dollars) for person. Obviously, these places are full, therefore it needs to reserve a table with antecedence. But before arriving at the restaurant, it is impossible to forget the celebrity rose. ‘ ‘ The Day of the Boyfriends is the occasion where we vendemos rosas more; ‘ , it says Marie Maillard, owner of the floricultura Marie M. The number of offered roses matters little, is the gesture that counts. The Floriculturas offers different compositions with the heart in form of accessories. The cost it varies between 250 and 500 DH in average. Mary M proafter products going 5000 DH. However, the best roses are not of the party. Because of the cold wave, the roses are not of good quality. Result: the prices go up. ‘ ‘ The price of the roses quadruplicou’ ‘ , Maillard laments. Thus, the professionals recommend the purchase of a beautiful rose instead of a mount that will not be necessarily pleasant. The jewelers with its inesquveis workmanships. Known Enxertos as Chopard base of a collection ‘ ‘ Love’ ‘. Some special marks combine its product with gifts Cupidos or to the games. Mauboussin (great market of purchases) it offers to one supper for all the purchases above of 10.000 DH. Moreover, the Galeries Lafayette (famous British store) organizes animation around this subject associated with a drawing.