Araatuba, SP- the Legion of the Good will is one of the entities duly registered in cadastre being able to receive the donations that are repassed by the FMDCA (Deep Municipal theatre of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent), that in Araatuba it is managed by the COMDICA (City council of the rights of the child and the adolescent). The contributors whom they desire to donate part of its income tax due have until the end of the month to make the deposits and to obtain to reduce the value in the Declaration of Annual Adjustment of the Income tax 2011, year base 2010. The Campaign ' ' It donates Through the Tax of Renda' ' in Araatuba Farm of the city was launched in day 06 of December for the advice, during party carried through in the Hotel. According to vice-president of the Comdica, Maria Zilma Correa Dornelas, the goal continues being to reach R$ 1 million in donations. However, in this year, the movement has been lesser when compared with previous years. It visits, it is gotten passionate and it helped the LBV! In Araatuba, SP, the Communitarian and Educational Center of the Legion of the Good will are located in the Street Alziro Zarur, 30? Guanabara. For other information, it binds: (18) 3631-0797.