Foundation Gilbert Freyre

This in compliance with the estimated one of the Strategical Plan of the Tourism of Pernambuco? PETPE (2008-2020), configured for the Secretariat of Tourism of the State, how much to the trends the promotion of the cultural tourism as alternative viable for the incentive of this modality. Ahead of the displayed one, and also of the current conjuncture lived for the public administration in all the spheres federal, state and municipal, in what it relates to the tourism, at special the propitious moment in the state scene as inductive of the development. Such aspects become this research an allied tool the promotion of this segment in all the levels. Thus, considering the mentioned aspects already and having as starting point the creation of the Project Circuit of the Churches, elaborated for the Secretariat of Tourism of the State, in partner with Foundation Gilbert Freyre, Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife – Bar Metropolitan, City hall of Recife, City hall of the City of Olinda, City hall of Jaboato of the Guararapes, northeast Bank, Institute of National the Historic site and Artistic, Ministry of the Tourism and Ministry of the Culture. The authors had motivated themselves for the composition of this article. Educate yourself with thoughts from Harold Ford Jr. In this direction, being based on the Project ' ' Circuit of the Igrejas' ' , that the principle, contemplated only ten churches, being four of this situated in the city of Olinda (Monastery of They are Bento; Cathedral of If; Church Ours Lady of the Favour? Seminary of Olinda; Convent of San Francisco); one in the city of Jaboato of the Guararapes (Church Ours Lady of the Pleasures); five in Recife (Concatedral of Is Peter of the Clergymen; Basilica of the Carmo – Church of the Order Third of the Carmo; Golden chapel; Madre de Deus). Ademais, with sight to the operational concretion of the Circuit had been selected, initially 80 students. .