A true formative evaluation is only possible in the scope of pedagogias strong differentiated. In the majority of the groups, in particular in basic education and at the beginning of average education, the formative evaluation that it regulates adjustment of the real resume to the level and the rhythm of the work of the group, is folloied of individualizadas interventions more: the professor takes care of particularly some pupils, attends them more than close, assists them with more frequency, of a they extra explanations, eliminating the pertaining to school possibility of failure. For Gadotti, (1984), to educate he is to problematizar the world where we live to surpass the contradictions, committing itself to this world to recriar it constantly. In its to understand education is an action partially finished. Its pure and simple description demands that if it has taken this characteristic the serious one and that if questions, therefore, as the professor establishes, in the end of the passage, who reached the fixed objectives and that half he uses, during the process, to verify that the learnings progress. A descriptive boarding of the evaluation must take in account the intentions and the representations of the professor, must look for more or less conscientiously to delimit the model of regulation and later trying to determine the regulations effective. Nor all continuous evaluation intends to be formative. In a common classroom, many interventions of the professor, based in a realistic appreciation of the situation, do not have as objective main to contribute directly for the progression of the learnings, because its task is not only to teach, but also to keep the order, to liven up exchanges, to guarantee a pacific coexistence e, if possible, happy during long hours, throughout all year, in a space exguo. A professor nor always obtains to optimize its evaluation and its interventions because the regulation of the learning processes is, frequently, little efficient.