Gold Industries

The AngloGold Ashanti adopts the best technologies in gold mining in the world. Its mines mechanized and are endowed with all the resources necessary to assure the quality of life of its workers. Through external auditorships, the mines of the Company in the South America had received from system NOSA excellent standards of security reached – the Mining Great Mountain range, for example, already were awardee as the best company of underground mining of the world. In the South America, the AngloGold Ashanti is presided over by the Brazilian Robert Oak Hisses. Currently, it also occupies the presidency of the Advice of Enterprise Citizenship and Volunteers of the Generalities of the Federacy of the Industries of Minas Gerais (Fiemg). It detaches the importance of the geologic research developed by the Company as half of if reaching the planned growth and the longevity of the organization.

In next the five years, the AngloGold Ashanti must invest to U$ 100 million dollar in these research in Brazil, with the focus in the neighboring areas to the current operations (brownfields) and also in pioneering areas (greenfields). Moreover, the AngloGold Ashanti leads the studies of expansion of the Mine Cuiab, an investment of the order of U$ 140 million. With this project, the capacity of the Cuiab Mine will have to be duplicate from 2006, reaching about 360 a thousand ounces of gold – about 11 tons – per year. Focada in the gold production, the AngloGold Ashanti believes, however, that its mission does not finish when the bars it metal are deliver in the gates of the refinery. In this direction, diverse actions are undertaken to take care of the global strategy of ' ' to conquer the heart and the mind of consumidores' '. In Brazil, for example, the Company sponsors the AngloGold Designer Brazil Forum, that stimulates the spreading of the Brazilian talent in design of jewels.