Gymnasium Maguen David

Here in Brazil also we can perceive the importance daconstituio of these institutions for the foundation of the first school of the deJaneiro River in 1922, then at the beginning of first the great Jewish migratory flow it queaconteceu in years 20. The school if called Maguen David (shield of David), transformed later into Gymnasium Maguen David and, finally in the Brazilian ColgioHebreu, the Tijuca (VELTMAN, 1998). Initially the situation was so complicated, that at’ ‘ morrer’ ‘ it was difficult for the Jew, therefore according to traditions Jewish it spode to be embedded in ground (Jewish cemetary) and as only haviamcemitrios catholics in the River, had many familiar conflicts for enterraremseus beings. The historian Keila Grinberg, in its book ‘ ‘ The Jews noBrasil’ ‘ he tells this difficulty: ‘ ‘ One of the dosjudeus aspects most difficult of the daily life in Brazil of century XIX was the death.