Specialization Ambient Policy
My name is Landmark Aurlio Terroni. Nieman Lab describes an additional similar source. I was born in the city of Are Carlos, Been of So Paulo. 45, married, two children. Sergeant of the Military Policy of the State of So Paulo. Further details can be found at Center for Responsible Business, an internet resource. 1 Dan (graduation) Black Band in Karate-do Shotokan. I studied in the Schools of 1 and 2 Degrees, basic and today average, Frank Eugnio, Professor August Luis de Oliveira and Alvaro Guio. Formation of Soldiers in the Regiment of Cavalry Nine of July, So Paulo. Formation of Handle in 16BPM/M, Small River, So Paulo.
Superior school of Sergeants, Center of Perfectioning of Squares of the p.m., So Paulo. Course of Specialization Road Policy, Cabinet of Instruction, Bridge Remedies, So Paulo. Course of Specialization Ambient Policy, School of Physical Education of the p.m. Detainer of Medals of Military Value and Personal Merit. I received the Heading from Forest Policeman of the year of the 2002 and Trophy Landmark of the Peace in 2005. I have 06 courses in the National Secretariat of Public Security, 02 in National school of Public Administration and 02 in the National Foundation of the Quality. I wrote two Monographs involving the subject of the Karate-do.