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Tag Archive: government and politics


A New Cold War

Bipolar Order. It received this name therefore was constituted of two world-wide powers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union, that incessantly searched the supremacy of the world. This search if summarized in a race of technological developments and space, without the existence of no armed confrontation direct between the two powers, for this not-spilling of blood received the alias name Cold. Observing in the space between lineses, we can evidence that really noread more…


The Christmas

I will not deny my existence, I will not pass here blank in this world, if I am in it something I go to make, if to it he will be for me, for my future generation. I do not go to take for the sepulture the weight of the other people’s suffering that I contemplate every day. I am enfadada ahead of these situations. The Christmas is arriving, for many a happy date, therefore theyread more…



Equality the years pass where it is the peace, where this the love, the understanding, the equality and joy! Answers – me Sir father? It is only the pain of the gift or justice for one day; In how much the reply it does not come we follow our trip for the life, coexisting the immorality of our superiors, greedy created in gold stream bed and that they are congregated in its pack, increasing its profitsread more…



SUPERIOR EDUCATION IN BRAZIL To understand Superior Ensino in Brazil is to subject it a series of interpretations of philosophical matrix and politician, therefore we will try to show to our point of view giving emphasis to the information of practical and construtivista character. Superior Ensino in the South America almost has a history of 300 years since the creation of the Universities oldest inside of the Latin countries that had on account occurred of theread more…