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Tag Archive: research & technology


Innovative Machine Protection Systems

Less weight, better protection and greater flexibility Beakbane Ltd is one of the leading manufacturers of machine protection systems. The company offers tailor-made protection composite for every area of application, which are in-house designed and manufactured. The company is considered as a full-liner with full service”: a comprehensive and professional service offered the customers from first contact through the construction up to the ready guard. Beakbane equips also rail vehicles for more than 60 years. Specificallyread more…


Invasion Of The Archaeopteryx: Geology In Munich

Six out of ten original fossils of the oldest bird of geology in Munich Munich – a \”bird crime\” of a special kind is currently in Munich-chen happening: the Bavarian State collection of paleontology and geology has taken six of the ten world famous, fossil remains of the famous archaeopteryx archaeopteryx in reception Mon day. For the first time, scientists have opportunity to examine the valuable Museum loans in direct comparison, before they are issued fromread more…