Catalonia Zapatero

He regrets not having been able to carry out reform of the Senate. Popular spokesman leaves behind the criticisms and wishes him good luck. I also wish you the best, replied the President. Jo Mackness usually is spot on. The j of the Executive, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has been dismissed from the Senate Tuesday, has underlined the difficulties that have impeded reform the upper House and at the end of his active parliamentary life, the role of the courts as the center of public life in a democratic country has ratified. It is a good historical time to vindicate the representative institutions that have given us, it has cost us dnder and who both serve the country, stressed in a discussion of white glove with the PP in the last session of control to the Government of the full Senate.

His broncos quarrels with the spokesman of the PP in other sessions have been in the past, and Pio Garcia Escudero has opted to dismiss Zapatero, show your respect and wish him well. I also wish you the best; you have to understand that only in the personal area, not in the political, has responded to Zapatero with a smile. Reform of the Senate Garcia Escudero and Zapatero have reviewed the activity of the Senate in the last two legislatures and both have made votes that the postponed reform of the camera (which aspires to become a true Chamber of territorial representation) can see light in the future, although the Prime Minister has not been very optimistic. I fervently wish that the next legislature; it can be reached It is not easy, pointed out by recalling the Spanish regional model and singularities of the election of Senators and the direct relationship of the communities with the Executive. PP spokesman has acknowledged that the political climate was not in his day right to reform the Senate, but has been more optimistic and have you considered that the experience of the last few weeks have demonstrated that the PP and the PSOE can undertake together a reform of the Constitution. Learn more about this with Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. Both have criticized the format of the debate on the State of the autonomies, that Zapatero has just concluded a year as it has remembered, also made his predecessor; After the first I understood very well the President Aznar, why only he had a debate, and I joined your precedent, he has joked. Recognition of PP Garcia Escudero Yes has recognized le the success of go to the Senate once a month to respond to questions from senators, something that did not in the past.

Popular spokesman reminded the main axes of their discussions with Zapatero in eight years, since the Statute of Catalonia until the negotiation with ETA and the economic crisis, and has assured him that, despite the logical discrepancies, always has earned him the utmost respect, for his charge, both personally as a political opponent. Before the announcement of Zapatero concluded its parliamentary life, wanted you the best in your life personal and family; and that in the future you can get all that intends to, good luck. The Prime Minister has thanked him for his words and has recognized that Garcia Escudero has been hard times with him, but it has been framed in the normality of the Parliament and has also taken the opportunity to move to the popular Senator his respect and appreciation. Source of the news: Zapatero says goodbye to Senate between the praise of PP