
Who study law have classes specifically on law and contracts. When it comes to marriages, future lawyers learn about the legal contract of marriage, the before and the after matrimonial agreements, the goods of the community with regard to the equitable distribution, paternity, custody, child support, the children, etc. Financial professionals also received a good amount of education in matters of marriage and divorce, since a predictable part of your job is helping customers in the process of divorce in tax matters, the division of assets and debts, financial planning and budgeting, etc. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. On the other hand therapists receive little training in school about divorce; most learn the personal and work experience. If you are divorced or are about to divorce you, ask your therapist what he knows about the divorce and where he learned of it. Perhaps he will tell you that your experience was itself or that he learned of the divorce of other people.

Therapists can read books on the divorce, but in terms of applicability may not be. Faced with this prospect, is expanding the field of divorce. There are financial divorce specialists, lawyers and assistants of divorce coaches and even informative workshops and divorce support groups. Taken to divorce as a social phenomenon which prevails. In fact, there are now more choices of divorce for couples: self-representation, mediation and, of course, the traditional judicial processes. However, what is still lacking is sufficient education for therapists in divorces, since they are those who deal with collect the psychological, mental and emotional pieces of the couple who is in the process of divorce, in addition to providing care to children whose parents are divorced or dissolved families.

For therapists, the separation and divorce are alternatives that can pass the couple at a given moment of life. However, on certain occasions, circumstances beyond the control even of therapists, therefore it is necessary to have better information about the topic. It is then that the study of situations of separation and/or divorce becomes fundamental. The main task of the therapist is to try solve the relationship problems that may lead to a separation; Although, without a doubt, there are special circumstances which oblige the family therapist to the update on the theme or one more in-depth study.