Integrated Facultieses
Any ratio of amount of alterations was not made. This work was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research of the Integrated Facultieses of Brazil, pautado in consubstanciado seeming of research protocol numbers 027/2010. Criteria of exclusion: – lesser of 18 and above of 35 years of age; – gestantes; – women in menstrual period; – women in treatment for some type of severe alteration or in treatment for some infection; Source of research material: Samples of cervicovaginal collection of prostitutes and findings of cervicovaginais examinations of women had been used who are not prostitutes, but possess active sexual life, aiming at to analyze the alterations reactive and cellular injuries of the uterine col. Such samples duly had been fixed, corado and mounted in blade of microscopy with aid of varnish and lamnula, being the blades returned to the volunteers after the analysis. Risks and benefits: The method of collection for used cervical material widely is known, in literature and insurance described, not having risks for the volunteers, which could only reveal constrangidas with the exposition of the necessary body to the collection what she was not mentioned by none of the participants. All the materials used in the procedure were dismissable and had been made unusable its use after.
The volunteers had had access to all the pertinent results and comments to its material and had been informed regarding measures of prevention, as well as had been instructed to search medical aid in the conditions where alterations in the results had been observed. Collection of data: They had been gotten given partner-economic of the volunteers through application of a questionnaire with closed questions concerning the work conditions, escolaridade, equally excellent frequency of accomplishment of examinations and other characteristics. Also they had been raised resulted citolgicos of 58 women of active sexual life, however not prostitutes taken care of in a particular laboratory of Curitiba.