Signature Electronics
The birth of the so-called electronic signature is without doubt one of the main advances in the matter of authentication in Internet, since it makes it possible to ensure the real identity of the signer, and the authenticity of the message which we have transferred electronically. Among various possibilities, it puts at our disposal make arrangements not face-to-face in an environment of security against public administrations or banks, actions that by their nature are not possible via a simple e-mail or access our browser standard, since they require a full guarantee about the identity of the different parties. From a technical perspective, the digital signature is a method of cryptographic base that links the identity of a person or a computer to the message or document. Depending on the type of electronic signature, can, in addition, set the complete integrity of the content. ow more. For Spain, the legislation specifies up to three categories of electronic signature: signature simple, that lets you identify the signer subject; the advanced signature, that also allows to ensure the integrity of the message; and the recognized, also a qualified call, i.e., an advanced signature supported by a recognized certificate. If you want to enjoy the many possibilities associated with the electronic signature (sometimes called a digital signature) you’ll need a digital certificate. The most common certificates are those issued by the FNMT, the Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, as well as the known as the electronic ID card, which includes an electronic certificate and document which constitutes an instrument capable of being used to sign any document in electronic form, and to electronically validate the identity of the signer.
If we opted for the use of the electronic ID card, we need a reader commonly called device of electronic cards. Through our national identity card and a card reader, and knowing your own password, can authenticate us form safe, and make different arrangements online. One of the most common applications of the digital signature is the generation of invoices in electronic format. These invoices to be signed digitally safely, do not need typical stand on paper and subsequent shipment by regular mail. The electronic file is at conecuencia, in addition to insurance, entirely legal. Though Spain already has the support and legislation for the full development of the electronic signature, has not been still significant use of dissemination, so that citizens and businesses to access and take advantage of all their resources.