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Monthly Archives: August 2017


Donations – You Know The Golden Rules ?

Every year at Christmas the generosity of the German begins to rise again. Because just knock this time of year the black sheep, maybe on your door, the German Spendenrat adopt the golden rules can be helpful in making a donation: only donate to organizations that are recognized as non! – As a nonprofit association applies if the work is selfless. A promotion may be general, material, mental or moral way to be. The organization atread more…


Social Volunteering

In order to combat social exclusion, it is preferable to start again to put patches to soothe the consciences of those who do not know see that hunger, epidemics, desertification and exploitation are not causes but effects of poverty of the majority by the least ambition, but more powerful. Without an environment of citizen participation, social volunteer work loses its meaning. Everything is related and interdependent. Planet Earth does not know neither first nor third world,read more…


Disease Prevention

The man is organically linked with the nature and depends on it. From the environment people receive an impressive number of substances which are indispensable for survival. So, thanks to plants that are able to synthesize many complex chemical compounds can be biologically active substances. That they do not suffice to us in time to prevent the emergence of some diseases, just to feel beautiful and strong people and strengthen health. The unique properties of dietaryread more…