Central Anatolia
In the east, home to millions of Kurds and Arabs and Turkomans. Posted population is extremely uneven. Densely populated coast of the Black Sea.
Egeyskogo and Marmara Seas, whereas Central and especially Eastern Anatolia – a relatively unfrequented. Half the population lives in cities. The largest of them Istanbul (7.5 million people), Ankara (2.6 million people), Izmir (2 million), Hell-on, Bursa, Gaziantep, Konya. Economy. Turkey belongs to countries with a diversified economy. BSA is open to suggestions. This – the industrial agrarian country, which gradually championship starts to lead the industry. Successfully developed nonreal field – trade, financial activities, international tourism, education and science. In the gdp structure particle industry (including construction and transport) exceeds 40%, agriculture – 20%, although it still employs half economically active population.
Turkey industry produces coal, oil, iron and chrome ores. Developed light and food industries are complemented metallurgy, oil refining, chemistry, enterprises that produce cars and military vehicles, equipment and vehicles. The basis of the country’s agriculture – crop, which gives 2 / 3 products. Handled 28.5 million hectares, of which 3.8 million – irrigated land. Also used by 24 million hectares of pastureland. The main crops – cereals, particularly wheat, picking which reaches 20 million tons. Cultivated barley and maize. The important place occupied by industrial crops – sugar beet, tobacco, cotton, sunflower and grapes, figs (figs), citrus and olives. Livestock – mostly extensive, uses pastures of Central and Eastern Anatolia. Bred cows, sheep, goats, which provide valuable Angora wool (Mohair). Turkey’s economy is gradually transformed to a model of export-oriented economy, which is actively entering the global market. Basis is the export of light (especially textiles and clothing), food industry and agriculture. Turkey exports cloth, clothed, leather products, wheat, raisins, figs, dried fruits, nuts, tobacco, cotton, mohair, chrome ore. Dovozit fuel oil, machinery and equipment. Negative trade balance offset by remittances from emigrants (several million Turks working abroad), tourism revenues and foreign loans. Major trading partners of Turkey – the eu, especially Germany, the Arab countries, the usa and Japan. Territorial differences. Turkey can be divided into the industrial West, agro-industrial center and the South, the agrarian East. In the West, the main organizing centers – metropolitan area of Istanbul and Izmir, which associated with a developed and diversified economic regions and the coast of the Marmara Sea Egeyskogo. Important points – Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Gaziantep. In Central Anatolia, Turkey stands out – the capital of Turkey and the ancient city. Important agricultural areas are located on the Black Sea coast. Mediterranean has become not only agricultural but also industrial, and a leading tourist and recreational areas, a kind of “currency shop” of the country. Important city here – Adan. Mersin, . East – the least assimilated of the country.