Positive Image
Indicators of satisfaction of the technical service of Fagor since 2007 have been overwhelmingly positive: 97.9% of consultations addressed the first, reduction of up to 9 days for the resolution of claims, around 100 congratulations per month for the efforts. So much so, that 95% of consumers argues that it has contacted without difficulty, to locate your nearest Fagor technical service center. 91% Stresses that the treatment has been appropriated (9% qualifies it normal and only the incorrect 0.08), the 94,2% manifests that you kept him abreast of the evolution of its claim, 82% believed that the response time was fast or normal and 97.5% response seemed satisfactory. Fagor SAT is guided by a programme of continuous improvement. This happens to maintain high rates of satisfaction achieved, customer care center become a permanent listening Center, increase the activity of sale of contracts as a source of income, starting the Project loyalty contracts and introduce innovations as SMS messages for users of Dietrich reminding them technician pass by his house. All of this while maintaining the well-known system of guarantees of service Fagor..