Rio De Janeiro
After this it is not excessively to show the interdependence of the cities and the people. To show that the people do not live isolated. To make possible that the student perceives the interdependence of the people. together, people create culture and make history. That is, it is the interdependence between the people whom the birth of history propitiates while interpretation of the facts of the memory. Culture and Local History the culture can be an excellent starting point for the study of Local History.
It must be prevented, however, the mistake to identify culture with the artistic productions. Art is culture, but culture is more than art. As much for the anthropology as for the philosophy and history the culture can be seen as the result of a productive process: the material production of the survival human being. For the work? material production of the survival? the human beings intervene with the nature producing and reproducing the social relations at the same time where they construct the different constructions, artistic, indumentrias expressions, elements of the folklore and the behaviors. All these and other productions human beings are cultural manifestations. The culture interests history in the measure where manifest proper existence human being. Since daily pay-history until our days one of the main forms to understand the human evolutivo process it is for the analysis of the cultural manifestations.
In if treating to Local History, particularly in the cities of Rondnia, to analyze the cultural manifestations at different times it can be a way to understand the process of the settling of this locality. Here, again, we can compare elements of the urban and agricultural life. It is possible spoon depositions of old inhabitants comparing its information with what if manifest in day-by-day of the locality. Another interesting angle is analyzes it of the folclricas manifestations and traditional parties. In all these elements can be compared as it was and as it is currently, beyond seeing as it was in the origin locality. Also we can spoon photos and other documents to analyze the different aspects of yesterday and today. In all these elements disclose the transformations occured, evidencing the culture that marks Local History. Valley to detach that many of these elements can be developed with it I assist of the students. That is, in if treating to the study of Local History the professor it not only can be researcher, as it can provoke in its pupils taste for the historical research. It is truth that in a collective work, developed with students of basic education, can lose in depth and trifling details, but the amplido of the searched universe and the collection of data finishes being bigger and with this also bigger pedagogical profit occurs, therefore the student if involves in the process of the production of the knowledge. In this in case that the professor if not only involves in the research, but also the pupils who leave of being listeners not only to become agents of the research as of the construction of knowing.