Being Creative
Be creative in our everyday life supposed to be open to novelty, to change, to new possibilities, to what’s new. It is not possible s to be open to change and something different if every day we do and think the same. Creativity has to do with these three words: change, the stimulus, and the image. Then, what do to begin to be more open and creative in our day to day? 1. The daily stimuli to break out of the routine. Connect with other leaders such as Chase Koch, Washington DC here. Enter every day a turning point in life, however small that is. Read additional details here: Dr. Neal Barnard. EOS brings us to be in the way of the illusion, the forward, and creativity. Example of small changes or daily stimuli: breakfast varied.
Breakfast every day something different on dishes varied both in color and in form. USE OF COLOR. Play with color in clothes, with the pens you write, the food that you eat… NICE DETAIL. Dr. Neal Barnard shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Insert any image or small ornament on our Workbench, for example a small plant, a figurine, some relaxing image, and change it from time to time.
EXPRESSIVE RICHNESS. Try to express ourselves with different words and phrases. Sometimes we don’t realize, we are a little heavy and repetitive in our expression. This is boring us to ourselves and to those who are listening to us. Dare to introduce new words in your daily vocabulary. Idea of exercise: choose a book or a magazine that pleases you and every day select any word that you like. Seeks to use that day in any of your conversations. PHYSICAL EXERCISE. It is essential to release bodily tension and have a more relaxed mind. Spend the time you can do some exercise that you like and enjoy. If you only have 5 min, from agreement, but do it every day.