Interior Decoration
Perhaps it is no exaggeration to say that indoor horticulture is undergoing a period of rapid interest to you. However, not every plant pleases his master as long as desired. The reason is that we do not able to devote much time and effort for our lyubimtsev.Nam come to the aid of artificial plants and trees. Fashion changes, and the modern, stylish interior includes a much more diverse ways of accommodating artificial plants, which gives it an unexpected aktsenty.Iskusstvennye trees are used to divide space into zones, in order to retouch certain features of the house, or, conversely, to emphasize them. Large palm-an indispensable part in the design of large palm pomescheniy.Malenkie good at living in trees domah.Ispolzovanie composition gives the whole ensemble of exotic and very elegant.
Ably selected, artificial plants are able to give originality and unique comfort interior. Options for placing artificial plants indefinitely mnogo.Odno the same plant or tree may look very different in Depending on the background color and incident light, the proximity to the artificial trees, the style in which sustained pomeschenie.Vybiraya place for artificial plants, rely on their vkus.V some point in their creative research you will see that the plant itself can find a place, especially bright sparkle paint, seem the most attractive form. Internet-shop “Acacia dot ru” will help you in buying artificial trees, ornamental trees and palm trees for interior decoration.