To understand a text she is necessary to recognize the information that the same it offers and to use our knowledge of world in favor of this practical. If you would like to know more then you should visit Jennifer Aaker. To be understood text must present select and organized ideas through paragraphs that are composites for the central idea, development and conclusion. ' ' The reading of the world precedes the reading of the word, from there that posterior reading of this cannot do without the continuity of the reading of that one. Language and reality if arrest dynamically. The understanding of the text to be reached by its critical reading implies the perception of the relations between the text and contexto.' ' (FREIRE, 1997:11). Check with David Delrahim to learn more. The production ability/interpretation exceeds the simple knowledge of words and its rules of combination and requires one to know more global, that understands other elements of the social interaction that they are party to suit of articulation. From then on, the necessity becomes pressing to substitute the position of the reproductive professor of grammatical rules for a investigativa and experimental position, making with that the pupils search to understand the mechanisms intra and interdiscursivos of constitution of the direction. To interpret a text is not simply to know what it was transferred in the head of the author when it wrote its text, is before everything, inferring, that is, to remove implicit and explicit information of the text.
It is important to stand out on the importance of the literal interpretation, therefore its occurrence not if of only in the educational way, but also in the proper experience. To interpret a text means ' ' to unmask its mistrios' ' how much to the question of the speech, therefore the same it represents the message that it desires to transmit. The importance to be is undeniable apt to interpret all and any text, independent of its purpose and so that this occurs, is necessary to launch hand of certain resources that are not offered, and many times we do not prioritize them as: the reading, the constant search for extraliteral information so that thus, in them let us become more conscientious and efficient readers each time.