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Monthly Archives: December 2015


Street Educators

Sometimes it is to tackle the problem with specific actions and to different manifestations of the same, new programs are announced. This is the case of so-called ebotellonu, for which there have been many initiatives in all cities, more public policy issues of health, social or promotional campaigns aimed at comprehensive prevention with the participation of the whole community . Something simi-lar begins to occur with the problems generated by immigration. Street Educator-o In an openread more…



Each of the members of the previous couples makes every effort to deliver the couple who both want and need. However, each believes their partner to love above all things but in reality there is a big absence and a great forgetting themselves. Women who wait hours and hours, has no appreciation to your standby time, their needs, what you want and mercy time and the tyranny of the other, because you can’t or not becomesread more…