Business Communications
Today, everyone who enters the international market, regardless of its scope, is essential knowledge of business English. According to various language courses, purchase orders, Business English courses language constitute 17-20% of the total number of applicants for study programs abroad. In the arsenal of Russian language schools there are also templates of business language courses for staff at all levels. Courses on business English language courses for office managers and secretaries are taught how to talk on the phone or communicate by e-mail with foreign partners, how to order tickets and arrange a meeting at the airport and hotel accommodation, make a presentation, take in your office guests, prepare for participation in international exhibitions, etc. The program must present the lessons of business etiquette and professional vocabulary (after all, the office manager busy particular area of business: finance, tourism, insurance, IT, telecommunications, etc.). In the base course for business managers and leading specialists of the company are the skills of negotiating, writing business correspondence and presentations, drafting of contracts and reports in English. Thus it is not just about increasing and improving the vocabulary of students, but also about improving knowledge of grammar and vocabulary on various business topics (finance, marketing, stock market terminology, information technology, etc.). In addition, given a lot of time mastering the industry jargon and Assimilation modern idioms.
Knowledge of business English opens up new horizons, to always keep abreast of new trends and developments, you can read the business literature in the original language, not distorted enough high-quality translation, as well as participate in international conferences and business schools. In this case all the more in demand today are corporate training. Here, work is done in two directions simultaneously: on the one hand focuses on professional growth and staff development, on the other – is rallying the team. For, as saying the notorious cat Matroskin: 'Joint work (for my benefit) – it ennobles! " Thus, a joint study of employees of a foreign language improves the microclimate within the company. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, corporate foreign exchange language (even with the departure of the teacher in the office) offers the Club of native speakers. With an experienced teacher-supported foreign language you can easily get rid of the language barrier and learn to speak fluent and significantly expand your vocabulary. Forum speakers will present you with pleasure and other educational business programs, including "English for MBA", "Top Business English" – for senior and middle managers, as well as Business Communications in English – for those employees who communicate directly with foreign partners.