First of all, before beginning the process of translation into English translator with a detailed analysis of the material to figure out which of his versions of the text to be translated. Similarly, when assessing online translation first we need to find a clear idea of what exactly to type text is submitted to the original, to prevent the risk of online estimation of translation from English, guided by the wrong criteria. In principle, quite inadequate to assess translation from English online text detective novel and a similar literary novel, translating a libretto and instructions to the device by the same methods. In against this, in fact, entirely clear methodological criteria yet not sufficiently unambiguous. The division into types of texts corresponding to the normative translation from English and has a place in all types of materials is, thus, clear evaluation criteria asubektivnoy translations online. In literary works can be found quite a few random attempts to find a typology of materials that would allow unambiguously draw conclusions about the rules of English translation or the selection of specific methods of translation.
This fact reveals the realization that online methods of English translation are determined not only translators, but also specially designed transfer. It is very important to investigate the 'trivial case' translation into English, in which attempt without any losses, adjustments and mistakes 'reincarnate' target material in the guise of another language, in order to recreate it the material is completely equivalent to the base. In this 'trivial' case, apparently, for the interpreter type of text most reliable tells exactly how to transfer; just kind of text determines the choice of means for adequate translation interpreter (quick translation mode online). In detailed studies of problems of living, and online translation has long been taken into account The fundamental difference between the actual pragmatic and online literary translation into English, although this difference – virtually completely far-fetched, and partly – was interpreted by many as if the pragmatic translation English causes fewer problems and therefore does not require any special kind of research, while the theory of literary translation worked out and extensively discussed in wide circles. Self-division course lawfully, and is, in general, and generally accepted norm. For instance, Suskind says that, in contrast to the pragmatic line interpreter, which he calls 'special interpreter' artistic interpreter must have writing talent. With this we can agree, as a pragmatic text language (English or German) is primarily a means of communication, means of transmission of information flow, whereas in texts of literary prose or poetry, in addition, provides a means for expressive embodiment, the base of the aesthetic value of the product (this should be considered when translating into English line).