Foundation Victor Civita
RESULTS/QUARREL: Analyzing the answers of the applied questionnaire, we must focar the orientation in special in the series of basic education, where bigger cases of bullying and with a great number of pupils had been detected who did not know that they suffered and/or they committed bullying. With the activities carried through after the lecture and the exploration of the subject, we can observe that bullying had fall of pupils committing, in consequence, also diminishes the numbers of victims. FINAL CONSIDERAES: ' ' To show the importance to respect the differences is a lesson that we must teach since the first years of escolaridade.' ' Dbora Menezes. In schools you publish or private, the professors and responsible of the school in the case the Manager, must at least a time to each two months or in bulletin deliveries congregate the parents and place in quarrel ways to prevent that its children and pupils commit or suffer bullying, for some parents are more important to know if the son suffers from bullying of what as they are its pertaining to school incomes. The project carried through in the school including lectures, bibliographical games, questionnaires and works, were possible to diminish the index of bullying, if this type of project was being constantly carried through many children would not pass therefore. If it becomes easy to work bullying, since any substance can and must speak on the problematic one, therefore, where it has information will not have violence.
' ' The success is on to a good education. this success depends very on the relation that the child has with escola.' ' Valter sociologist Robert Silvrio, of the Nucleus of Studies Afro-Brazilians of the Federal University of Is Carlos (UFSCar). REFERENCES NEW SCHOOL, Foundation Victor Civita. Publishing company, April, Edition: December of 2004, P. 59-61 NEW SCHOOL, Foundation Victor Civita. Publishing company, April, Edition: January and February of 2007, P. 66-69 GADOTTI, Moacir, Pedagogia de Prxis, Cortez Publishing company, Edition 4, Year 2004. Lopes Grandson AA. Bullying? aggressive behavior between students. J Pediatr (River J). 2005; 81 (5 Supl): S164- rio S172 http:/