HTML Translation

Notary translation, in contrast to the usual translation, features the following: 1.Neobhodimost external optimizing translation, ie Each page of your site in addition to the translated text contains a minimum of graphic elements. 2.Neobhodimost internal optimization of translation, ie In many cases a simple literal translation does not suit the client. In European countries, most web pages have a minimum text and maximum amount of information that allows you to more effectively promote their product on the Internet and is associated primarily with the need to align the text to "adapt" to search engines and therefore the best pages of the issue. Therefore, the layout of each web site aimed at promoting the West, in our company, working in close relationship, make at least three specialists – a translator, an expert in Internet marketing and coder. Learn more about this with Center For Responsible Lending. The main role in the working process, of course, belongs to the translator, since the foreign visitor will judge your company in the first place in the text. In our company, all translations are various web sites serve native speakers, which is localized site that gives a guarantee that your site will be well received by foreign visitors. Moscow translation agency will give the Golden Hind in connection with the above, a wide range of services in translation web-sites – from simple translation of HTML-pages to analyze the competitiveness of your products with the aim of writing unique content on a localized version of the site. For automatic translation of specific Web site implementation of any large project involving technical interpretation of songs, we need a system of automated translation, such as a system of Trados. It helps reduce the transfer and unify terminology (with the single word database) used in the translation, the text segment, which prevents inadvertent crossing offers an interpreter and work with a wide spectrum Format: Word doc and rtf, online help rtf, PowerPoint, FrameMaker, FrameMaker + sgml, FrameBuilder, Interleaf, QuickSilver, Ventura, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, sgml / html / xml, including html Help, rc (WindowsResource), Bookmaster (DCF) , Troff.