
In this context, these mechanisms come to assist it in the production and organization of the ideas, of harmonic form, keeping the communication and the good interpretabilidade. In view of the analysis of the collected data, the question of the cohesion for substitution was worked, where if it argued that when has the repetition of the same lexicons, the context is embarrassed, therefore the substitution for words is necessary sinnimas, which recoup the meaning of the previous lexicon and it does not harm the direction of the literal joint.

Word-key: Text, Literal Production, Literal Lingustica. INTRODUCTION the act to write demands a constant perfectioning, beyond originalidade in its composition, therefore it has a great concern of studious of the area of literal linguistics as for the composicionais aspects of the text, in order to display new proposals for its analysis and boarding. Recently the relative questions to the text are studied inside of the branch of the literal lingustica, that had its appearance in the decade of 60, being outstanding with bigger force in years 70. This branch, a priori, had as target to describe the enunciated occured changes syntactic-semticas between or in the sequncia of them. However it was only from years 80 that the theories of the text had gained emphasis and, although to have study object the same (the text), is frequent some of these theories to divergirem a little one of the others, therefore this field is repleto of areas and each one of the edges to the sprouting of diverse sources.