Intellectualization Introjection
The various ways in which this symbolic distortion occurs are known as defense mechanisms. Distress plays an essential role in the production of the defence, in Freudian theory. She is an alert signal to the I, which is the intrapsychic instance which produces the various mechanisms of defence and adaptation. The mechanism of primary defense, key to all others, is repression. It is the strategy of moving the contents of consciousness to another level extra-discursivo (Prince Foundation of neurosis) that defines the repression, which motivates the appearance of all defense mechanisms. That extra-discursivo level, which would be parallel to the conscious, for Lacan is known as unconscious.
After Sigmund Freud, later authors, as Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Alfred Adler, have proposed a variety of defense mechanisms whose conception had helped them to describe and understand the clinical phenomena that have been observed in a variety of subjects, both children and adults. Some defense mechanisms are: condensation scroll dissociation training reactive denial projection rationalization law enforcement action or step to the Act (acting out) altruism (as a mechanism of defence) identification with the aggressor projective identification Intellectualization Introjection polarization sublimation suppression regression adds, that defense mechanisms when they succeed are traits or forms of reaction of the character in the process of structuring (W. Reich). Also, each situation put in place various mechanisms d defence which come to form part of the personality. It is normal some mechanisms of Defense, which, through the pursuit of adaptation, they tend to prevent neurosis.
Defense mechanisms not generally disturb the most important functions. Tells us, defense mechanisms are elected by ego both in quality and in quantity for a certain time. They may be limited, cancelled, deleted or transformed by the self over time. Expanding the above, defense mechanisms have the following functions and positive sense:. Rebalance the internal or external realities. . Regulate the possibility of satisfying impulses. . Facilitate adaptation, the socialization and the contact with reality. . To maintain firmness and enable the development of the personality. . Reconcile the interests of the ID and the superego. . Protect emotional balance. In sense less positive, regarding the most displacentero, defense mechanisms, act as follows: resistance of self to unbearable by the reduction, avoidance, the yugulacion or the defence of tensions, anguish, originating from dissatisfaction or frustration internally or produced by interpersonal conflicts. Unpleasant memories, instintuales, contradictory tendencies, fear threats to aggressiveness or alleged or real hazards. Impulsive energy that not can be normalized by distress or by shouting or shock. Every activation of a defensive relegation or neutralization process usually involves an expenditure of vital energy which, in the worst cases, can impoverish personality since the energy invested in defensive attitudes cannot be applied to other purposes. Defense mechanisms, may distort the external internal reality, or they produce distortion between affection and idea and between subject and object. However, although not always, they can be recognized and modified by the subject.