National Association
after that with conferences of education developed by the ANPED (National Association of Research of after-graduation in Education) that it had purpose to develop and to consolidate the education of after-graduation and the research in education in Brazil. ' ' The educational research brings theoretical and metodolgicos challenges that remain in aberto' ' (GATTI, 2002, P. 22). We need to analyze the form to collect the data necessary to the construction of the research, being had that to know to the certainty what it is wanted to search. ' ' The research cannot be the service to solve small impasses of the daily one, because it, for its nature and process of construction, seems not to be useful to this, time that the time of the scientific inquiry, in general, not if coaduna with the necessities of decisions more rpidas' ' (GATTI, 2002, P. 23).
on the part of the education institutions lacks the support to the educational research, is only worried in giving diplomas, is not worried if it has a learning. In the end of decade of 80 and beginning of years 90 is that the changes had occurred, that if gave with the creation of the programs of mestrado and doutorado, these that gave incentives to the research and made more collections to the pupil. One of the biggest problems in the accomplishment of the research is the use of the methods, therefore the use of these has not been argued with depth techniques. Methods these being able to be quantitative or qualitative. ' ' The research in them serves the top of everything to give to an agreement base on a reality and from this transform-la' '. (GATTI, 2002, P. 33). To get and not only to extend knowledge the research also assists in them in the understanding of the reality, in one better agreement of what it encircles in them and that many times we do not understand, makes then one searches for better if informing and through this power to give to our opinion with base and searched arguments, approaching given critical and through them to give suggestions of possible improvements, not only raising the problem, but to consider suggestions of improvements.