Repeated Budget Profit
Khatami PR takes a new Glacier pinch of snuff stories go to the second round now glacier pinch goes go again accompanied on tour and Khatami PR: the tobacco manufacturer Poschl tobacco GmbH & co. KG, Geisenhausen, communication specialists from Cologne has again commissioned with the press – and public relations promotional activities around the most successful brand of snuff in the world. The measures include storytelling titled generations S in the search for the new generation of 20051978asi”in public media, as well as action and success stories to concept and tour in the trade press. The promotions even performed by the experts of Khatami Marketing Services GmbH, Cologne, from which originated the concept. The bekanntheits – and sales-promoting campaign represents the target group students as potential generation S in the focus and will be implemented in 10 cities between May and July. Glacier pinch visited the high-potential at 30 University parties, 50 WG-parties and in travellers.
In addition to the try actions in stylish glacier pinch lounges, in “Private premises and in the gastronomy pace is giving away the dream woman for students shared in turn”: a professional cleaning lady for three months once a week brings the WG apartment to a high gloss. Poster campaigns on the University grounds and opinion measures complete the promotions. The first glacier pinch tour took place from October 2010 to February 2011. The Poschl tobacco GmbH & co. KG, world leader in the field of snuff, decided due to the great success of the promotions to continue in 2011. Glacier pinch is the world’s best-selling brand of snuff and enjoys since decades cult status. Company, Khatami PR, Cologne, is a unit of Khatami Marketing Services GmbH, a full-service agency for consumer, founded in August 2010 POS and event promotions. The long-standing promotion customers include well-known companies from the industry and service sector, such as Campari Germany, Royal Canin, and Deutsche Bank.
The Agency employs 16 people at its headquarters in Cologne and has about six branches, as well as capacity of approximately 5,000 promoters. Agency CEO is a bass Khatami. In the area of Public Relations focuses on brand and sales communications. The PR customers include companies from the sectors of food, music and craftsmen.