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Tag Archive: administration and businesses


Word Organization

Conscription Enrique Barros de Macedo1 1 Academic in Business administration. Article presented for approval of disciplines of Science politics under orientation of professor Rogrio Fraga in Porto Alegre, received in October of 2007. Summary: This article has the objective to describe the concepts and the applicability of the necessity of conscription in the organizations. The advantages and disadvantages found for each form of conscription being internal or external it. In what it implies the decisions takenread more…


Fantastic Money

I wait that it has the notion of that at any time its job of today and of tomorrow is not safe, and can loses it, will be that it is prepared for this? Nobody is, is not truth? The job chances do not seem easy to find when the precariousness of the job and the world-wide crisis shoot daily thousand of people for the unemployment. Majority of the people is to deliver the house toread more…


A Possible Dream

I have a dream! I believe that this dream is the same of many entrepreneurs and all the consumers. I dream with the best use of the marketing for all the organizations. I wait that the marketing is seen as optimum way for the enterprise success and that it leaves of being perceived as something that great companies only obtain to practise. that this thought leaves of being used as excuse to justify the difficulties ofread more…



If you are proprietor of a business online, probably you are looking ways to increase the sales online. You can until already having good sales for the Internet, but as any Internet to marketer search forms to increase its sales. I want to speak of one technique that can yes help you to vender more for the Internet or until it are of it. This technique is called Copywriting.Voc must have in mind that the wordsread more…