A Possible Dream
I have a dream! I believe that this dream is the same of many entrepreneurs and all the consumers. I dream with the best use of the marketing for all the organizations. I wait that the marketing is seen as optimum way for the enterprise success and that it leaves of being perceived as something that great companies only obtain to practise. that this thought leaves of being used as excuse to justify the difficulties of development and survival of diverse organizations. Dream that in the next years the entrepreneurs will leave the chair of the conformismo, they will leave the room of the past and will start to follow for the ways of modernity, and will open its doors for the entrance of a new mentality, based, not in concepts that already had given certain in the past, but, in original ideas, that they are of preference, in phase with its time, or still more good, to the front of its time, armed of very marketing and innovation.
The Cellular film: An Shout of Aid, with Kim Basinger demonstrates of ironic form that is more easy the personage to deal with corrupt and dangerous policemen of what to be taken care of with rapidity and attention in a company of cellular telephony. We see gross errors in the relationship of the banks with its customers, mainly the customers & ldquo; normais& rdquo;. The attendance in the public and private hospitals and medical doctor’s offices, still passes the impression of that they are making an enormous favor in taking care of with education, devotion and respect. Great part of the health area, countless companies retail, rendering organizations of services, as well as police authorities and people of public offices lacks of training, of bigger degree of information and capacity of relationship for deals with patients, customers or citizens, in efficient way.