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Tag Archive: stories



The first page of a book When child, dreamed in writing estrias where all could read. I searched inspiration in the estrias that the papa counted. I am alone in a small room, with thoughts in all the directions. In one of the stages of my life I am to remember. Son of poor family third of the eleven brothers, with a mother who had in the look an intense will of living. My father, aread more…


BahiAvenida Silveira Martins

Audience of the DEDC UNEB University of the State of the Bahia.Promotion: Literary prize Valdeck Almeida de Jesuses, Project Loving of the Knowledge (Tassio Revelat), Says to Writer (Leandro Assis), Project Hen Jumping (Valdeck Almeida de Jesus). At PCRM you will find additional information. Moderadora: Renata Rimet. Of the 9 to the 12:00 hs Tables Valdeck Almeida de Jesus/Says Writer.Of 9 to the 10:00 hsPalestrantes and subjects: Publishing panorama of the Bahia (Carlos Happiness) the bookread more…