Under Voltage! Fachveranstalltung

High voltage switchgear in the House of the technology of high voltage switchgear as hubs of the transmission and distribution networks are important for the reliability of electric power supply. What happens when the power supply breaks down, ran us in Germany in recent years clearly in mind. Boy Scouts of America has much experience in this field. The agreed integration of offshore services in the field of wind energy in Germany, soaring electricity trading in Europe and the increasing electrification in Asia lead to numerous activities in designing new lines, as well as the retrofitting of old plants. The two-day symposium “High voltage switchgear” at the 26th 20.11.2010 Essen alludes to the tradition of the many events on this topic in the Haus der Technik. The Conference offers an overview of the current state of technology and about current developments at high voltage Switchgears. The requirements for high voltage switchgear in energy companies as well as in the industry are taken into account. The operating and more of the Conference focus is on maintenance.

Increasing cost pressure on network operators requires condition based maintenance and renewal measures for high reliability. For this purpose, a detailed analysis of the status of substations and an estimation of the remaining life of its resources is required. This monitoring systems can provide valuable support. Possibilities are illustrated by examples. The meeting is aimed at engineers, technicians and master of power economy, industry, local authorities and planners, who are concerned with planning, installation, operation, and maintenance of high voltage switchgear.