La Mancha Care
Home care: until the 2003-2004 academic year this kind of attention was in charge of a private non-profit entity, with which the Ministry of education there are signed an agreement. However, from the academic year, 2004-2005, home care shall be dealt in the following manner:-education Secondary it will run in charge of the Ministry of education, which will launch a program that divides the territory into three educational zones (Santander, Torrelavega and Camargo), in order to make care more feasible on an experimental basis. Each of these zones will be staffed by a team of two professionals (one for the scientific and technological field and another for linguistic and social); giving the possibility that one of the two professionals can teach foreign language. Filed under: Boy Scouts. These teachers remain, for all purposes, to the cloisters of their reference centres. -The pre-school and primary education by the private entity that was already realizing this function in the past. This entity also attend high school students that are not included in the areas outlined in the previous point.
-Infant and primary school, education in exceptional cases, by the hospital classroom teachers. Similarly the objectives to be attained through action, guidelines are collected to followed by the teachers who work with these students; strategies of planning (with parents, centers, etc.); demand for educational care procedures; the channels for coordination with the centres of reference, etc. Schedule of attention to the students is established in the following manner:-students in pre-school and first cycle of primary education (in three days a week): 6 hours per week; -Students of second and third cycles of primary education: 8 hours per week. The students of secondary education: attention throughout 8 weekly periods spread over three days and organized in different areas (scientific-technological and linguistic and social). These teachers will meet half of their working hours in their reference centres. Castile – La Mancha: The first community until the school year 2001 / 2002 home care was carried out by volunteers of the NGO Save the Children; attention that not always came to all those affected, given the breadth geographical community.