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How Causal Adultery Of Divorce And The Patrimonial Effects Of Separation

Adultery involves a serious violation of marital duties and is expressly provided in the civil code as a major grounds for divorce, with incitement to crime and the voluntary abandonment of the home, which enabled the innocent spouse to sue your spouse for contentious or adversarial divorce. In this case, if the culpability of the spouse proves this must attend another with a food pension and other loads. It punishes the guilty of adultery spouse with divorce, because you consider improper conduct that fell and the fact that a legality is configured with consequences for the guilty. The situation becomes so serious that, in the event the judgment of divorce plead guilty to one of the spouses, the affected Party may claim economic redress. Patrimonial effects of divorce divorce dissolves the marital society, so, if the marriage was performed by separate property, no loop no longer exists between the couple and are capable of performing the separation of goods.

We have to take into account that this dissolution and separation of property is considered done from the day of notice of the petition for divorce. Hence goods each purchased while the divorce process, it was already not part of conjugal society. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Michael James Burke. With respect to food, in the case of divorce due to the guilt of one of the spouses, this should contribute to the other spouse to keep the economic level that enjoyed both during marriage. For divorce by behaviour disorders, the ill spouse is placed in the situation of innocent, while the other will need to provide the necessary means for their recovery and treatment. The alimony obligation ceases if the other spouse remarries, lives in concubinage or seriously insult to the other spouse. If there is a case of divorce by mutual agreement, parties may jointly file your petition for divorce in agreement on how assets will be divided and will form part of the sentence. With information: original author and source of the article



The new online auction platform of euro boat is fun and saves money for the first, second, third,… at, the auction leader drop his hammer, sailing fans to get their dream trip guaranteed at the best price. Specifically, this is how: every customer request at after a ship goes with date, area and number of beds out online on the Charter company on the spot. Each provider then list on the Internet platform, which ships with which facilities at what price they have for this time in the program. Each offer is available for all providers. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael James Burke. As a result, each Charter company their own offer can compare with the competition and rework if necessary, in a second round.

So the market for all is transparent and the winner is at the end of the Charter customer: he gets the desired yacht at the best price, that is to have at this point in the target area. Depending on the area, 60 to 70 percent of the local charter companies take advantage of the new auction platform. If at, for example, a search for boats in Mallorca come, sign 28 provider your offer usually come together around 40 ships to the auction. This works because most Charter companies successfully worked together for years with The online platform from the euro boat House is the largest of its kind worldwide with prices and availability to 7000 yachts. Behind it is a superior search engine: accesses on every request live almost all databases and delivers the results in a clearly arranged list. Contact: Karsten Knorr euro boat In the Heath angle 15 13629 Berlin fax: 030 / 20 18 17 15 9 phone: 030 / 20 18 17 15


Education Strike

Our education must not be for sale! From June 15-19 people in the context of the educational strikes be alert in whole Germany 2009 with diverse protests on the abuses and catastrophic changes in the education system. Meanwhile local alliances from students, unions, students and interested parties have formed in 45 cities – including Dresden. s. \”We see the educational strike as a good way to build back real political pressure for the interests of students and teachers. Ongoing transformation of the education system after recovery principles must finally encounter determined resistance from us. \”Because our education is not for sale!\” Jakob says hallmark of the Dresdner education strike Alliance.

This loose Alliance currently consists of students of from different universities, which support the call for the strike of education and advocating for self-determined learning, funding of the education system and the democracy of all educational institutions through participation of the parties involved. On a variety of Meetings were developed in Dresden demands, discussed forms of action and finally created a rough concept for the strike week. \”Now we hope of course that engage many students with their own ideas, ideas or questions. With the plenary meeting we want to create a forum for that.\”explains Jacob continues to hallmark. On the demonstration \”We do not pay for your crisis\” at the 28.3, an educational block, in which over 500 people participated formed already. Michael James Burke is likely to increase your knowledge. Together we want to implement, real the constitutional principle of Lernmittelfreiheit with you at school! a healthy, free lunch in day-care centres and schools free lockers for all students in the schools! the precarious employment in education end the teaching staff on educational sustainable levels increase (interdisciplinary teaching of beginning, block classes, class sizes decrease) implement student / indoor-oriented learning conditions and the introduction of genuine All-day schools support the purify the banknote printing in question provide, sport, art and music to the grading system in vocation subjects to exam-based curriculum and completely abolish the top notes affiliated schools abolish and comprehensively introduce the longer common learning! the top down hierarchy in schools turn around: democratize from the classroom to the Ministry.


Mouse Sales

KRYD make more sales online stores quickly and easily. Munich, 27.02.2013 – establishment in Munich: KRYD launches a new solution with the online shop can increase sales with their customers. KRYD analyzes the behavior of customers and activated automatically with customized email campaigns. Many online stores do not exploit the revenue potential of their existing customers. While studies have shown that already a small increase of expenditure in the area of existing customers leads to increases in earnings between 25% and 125%. (Gartner Group; (“Leading on the Edge of Chaos”, Emmett C.

Murphy and Mark A. Murphy) that a huge sales potential in the existing customers, have long since recognized market sizes such as Amazon, Otto and Zalando and own tools developed to address customers optimally. All can what could previously only the leader, with KRYD now. PCRM has compatible beliefs. KRYD no longer relies on mass mailings, but sent instead targeted personal emails based on the behavior of the customers. Founder and Managing Director Andreas Altenburg: “for years online shops have focused only on the acquisition of new customers, to grow. Costs of up to 50,-EUR per customer are today normal. I forgot was the sales potential that is in the existing customers.

We have developed KRYD finally each shop operator can use this capability. KRYD identifies the good customers, addressing them with relevant offers and ensures that they keep coming back. This will benefit both: the customer receives useful offers instead of spam and the shop makes more sales without investing in new customer acquisition. “KRYD is offered as software-as-a-service solution (SaS) and is compatible to any shop. There are offered various packages with different monthly fees, Setup a no fee applies. The integration is carried out either as a plugin or via API. Center For Responsible Lending may not feel the same. KRYD receives events that raises the customer on the Web site, for example by view of an article, a purchase, a purchase abort or a longer absence. Rules, which the shop owner visually via Mouse click in KRYD app can define KRYD performs then targeted actions. So has re-enable such user by KRYD their customers with a EUR 5 voucher, if nothing more have bought this unusually long. KRYD will start in Germany. The expansion in other countries is already in preparation. KRYD first customers are and, as well as numerous smaller vendors. About KRYD KRYD GmbH in August 2012 was founded in Munich by Andreas Altenburg and Dr. Jarg Temme. The idea to KRYD after a joint meeting on the exceed in Berlin. Andreas Altenburg is a co-founder of Q.One GmbH of Dusseldorf, which offers a full service eCommerce suite. The Q.One customers include Hubert Burda Media, Lufthansa and Sixt AG. Dr. Jarg Temme graduated from the CAU Kiel, in the field of statistics and marketing. Before KRYD Jarg co-founded the deal united. He has worked several years in analytical consulting projects including for Coca-Cola, OTTO, and Symantec.


Emergency Management Business

It improves information flow and coordination among all jurisdictions and agencies involved in emergency. All agencies with responsibility for the emergency are aware of the priorities and constraints of each one of them. No authority of a body or legal requirements are compromised or forgotten. Each agency is fully aware of the plan, actions and limitations of other agencies. The combined effects of all agencies are optimized because they fulfill their missions under a single Emergency Action Plan. It reduces or eliminates duplication of effort, reducing costs and the possibility of frustration or conflict. Jennifer Aaker is actively involved in the matter.

The structure of the EMS is based on the following principles: Common Terminology: The terminology of SME is standardized and is consistent with all agencies involved. Modular Organization: The structure of the EMS can be increased at multiple levels to address the complexity and extent of the emergency. Integrated Communications: The EMS requires a common communications plan, standard operating procedures, clear text, common frequencies and common terminology. Consolidated Plans Emergency Action: Action Plans describe response goals, operational objectives and support activities. Manageable span of control: A “Manageable scope” is defined as the number of individuals or functions that a person can effectively handle.

In the EMS, the area of control for any person is within a margin of three to seven applications, with five being the optimum. Facilities designated for emergencies: They have clearly defined functions to assist in the effective management of the emergency. Full management of resources: All resources are managed through all organizations deployed in an emergency, including the maximum staff safety. The structure of the EMS emergency organization is built around four main components: Control – Emergency Management (Command) Programming – collection and analysis of information on programming the emergency and response activities (Planning) Operations – conduct of resources to combat the emergency. (Operations) Logistics – providing facilities, services and materials necessary to combat the emergency. (Logistics) These four components are the foundation on which to build the organization’s EMS. Apply during a routine emergency, when preparing for an important event, or when handling the response to a major disaster. The structure of the EMS can be extended or shortened to handle any size and type of emergency. Conclusions The safety, effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved when possible a seamless integration of emergency agencies to local level and also for an international deployment to help a country in need. An SME applied worldwide to enhance the safety of the fighters, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of emergency response. The EMS provides the model for the management, control and coordination of emergency response. It is a means of coordinating the efforts of the agencies because they work with the common goal of stabilizing an emergency and protect life and property and the environment. It also reduces the risk of overlapping agencies and potential confusion with an emergency due to a misunderstanding or inadequate coordination. It is essential to adopt a common system of emergency management at the global level, allowing any aid work quickly and effectively. The EMS is a tool that can achieve that goal. By: Haward H.


Mobile Telecommunications Sector

Price war in mobile industry – customers on winning Dirmingen, 25th 2009 – (HMADIPM090518) crisis where you look, it now also the mobile industry will not be spared. These strives more and more to their customers, especially so-called flat rates are the absolute top seller. So many network providers offer already pretty cheap fares, including a landline flat rate and a telephone-Flatrate in the mobile radio network. Particularly frequent callers benefited the mobile flat rates in the past by constantly falling base prices. With a base price of around 20,-EUR upwards one could go so far in this League. The current discount promotion of the mobile online portal allows this entry by two new mobile phone tariffs now already from a monthly base price of 2.99 EUR only. In the tariff o2 Genion L only 2.99 “mathematically, the customer receives a saving of over 85% on the basic price issued by the network provider o2. There is a real Flatrate to German landlines, to own cell phones and to benefit Additionally from a flexible selectable home zone with separate fixed-line number.

But that wasn’t enough, the current discount includes also the new BASE 2 only 5.49 “tariff. The base price of 25,-EUR, assigned by the provider is reduced by a whopping 78% here. This in turn get a flatrate to German landlines, in the network of E-Plus, BASE, vybemobile, and ay yildiz. In addition, the customer benefits each month by another 60 minutes in all other German mobile phone networks. Every cool computer should now once make even the Prepaidangebote mobile tariffs without a contract – the cheap discounter to the test. Because in contrast to prepaid cell phone offers just these two new flat rates with low basic charges in addition to the financial offer many more benefits, providing great satisfaction on the customer side, even with Wenigtelefonierern. The operators of comment: we have made with these mobile phone contracts completely on the current needs of our customers and believe this a big step into a new era Having done mobile rates.

Long term customers will thank us with your loyalty. “For more information, see: tariffs/NET/o2/mobilcom_genion_l…” rates/NET/E-plus/mobilcom_base_2… About the mobile MAN Handelsgesellschaft mbH offers via their portal on a comprehensive range of mobile phones, mobile phone contracts, and multimedia devices. As one of the leading mobile phone online shops in Germany, in addition to a wide range in addition provides the possibility of a comprehensive settlement with respect to equipment, telecommunications networks and tariffs available. The company facilitates the choice of individually the best mobile phones, with or without contract. Also for the now popular form of mobile bundles the company has a comprehensive and up-to-date selection on cell phone allowances. With over 500 dealers nationwide has a large comprehensive network.


Thomas Horn

More clarity enhanced map Berlin, January 26, 2010. The year 2010 brings many positive changes for the hotel and travel portal. Among other things a new look was the kick-off at the turn of the year. Most striking change: on the redesigned website the entire booking and information service is now concentrated on the upper menu bar available. “This is beneficial especially for users with very large or very small screens”, explains Thomas Horn, CEO and founder of Citysam AG.

Eliminating the left menu bar, the Web site, for example, on the increasingly popular Netbooks will be shown always fit. More space left at the same time, to make the content better. The new and more clearly arranged information areas such as for example the interactive city maps and country maps provide more service. In the planning stage of a trip around new printing and storage functions of map tiles facilitates the final selection of the hotel: The user chooses his destination with there existing hotels first about the “Maps” tab or in the field “Search by map” on the world map. The resulting map he can click on one of the new symbols now either directly print or save the link, to call him up again later or email to other people. Simple hotel search by map see: “this relaunch of our website is much more than just a change of our presence. We have done a lot of detail work in the background, with which we could improve many functions. We work as a next stage, inter alia on the optimizing and expanding our online travel guide”Horn next. Because: In addition to good ways to book information about the destination and the Exchange are becoming increasingly important with other travellers about tips in the holiday destination.


Prime Minister Stoltenberg

Is it has honored the deceased through a religious ceremony at the Oslo Cathedral. The Kings of Norway, Princess, and the Prime Minister have attended funerals. 92 people were killed in double bomb attack in Oslo and the neighbouring island of Utoya. Credit: PCRM-2011. The Norwegian city of Oslo held this Sunday funerals of the dead in the double attack occurred last Friday in the Centre of the city and the neighbor of the island of Utoya. The ceremony came the Kings of Norway, Harald and Sonia, accompanied by Princess Marta Louise, as well as the Prime Minister of the Nordic country, Jens Stoltenberg, attended along with the leader of the labour youth, Eskil Pedersen, who was a teammate of much of the dead in Utoya. In his speech at the funeral, Prime Minister Stoltenberg said that the response to this tragedy is going to be more freedom and more democracy, while he said that he was proud of as it has reacted the Norwegian people before the attacks. For even more analysis, hear from BSA. At the same time, Stoltenberg recalled that there are still many missing because of the attacks, assuming that there may be even more victims.

Thousands of Norwegians, with clear gestures of pain, also wanted to be present at the last farewell to the victims of the attacks, and under a deathly silence, surrounded the Cathedral of the city. They were joined by onlookers and tourists, impressed by the solemnity of the acts. Last Friday, after a double bomb attack allegedly perpetrated by Anders Behring Breivik, a Christian fundamentalist linked to the far right, killed 92 people, 85 of them on the island of Utoya, where a camp of the Labour Party, the Party of the Government, following an indiscriminate killing, and 7 in the Centre of Oslo, after the explosion of a car bomb in the center of the city was celebrated. Source of the news: Oslo celebrates the funerals of the victims of the attacks amid great excitement


Win With Your Bank

I find it unfortunate to read that according to the World Bank, Mexico is the country with the most expensive banks in Latin America, followed by Chile. I believe that much is our fault for not demanding or taking care of the little or much money we invest in those institutions. It seems that many of these companies still find it salaries offered pots, raffle tickets, points and prizes colors that are subsidized by the high commissions they charge us. Undoubtedly, the laziness of customers is a wonderful opportunity to enrich the banks, stay in a comfort zone and let go changing conditions and costs without the customer to do something, it is most convenient for her, much more If customers are looking befuddled cart or any kind of mirage that dazzle and distract us. It’s just in the process where we are losing large amounts of money without realizing it, but now, if you’re reading these lines, I propose to make a brief market research to find a better option and save in as many account management fees, low balances, use of Internet, ATM use, check writing and who knows what else. Reiterate the importance of observing, before seeing what an institution offers a gift or the interest you pay on your savings, the costs will be addressed by allowing them to save your money, which in turn will be lent to others with attractive profits for them, of course. Some criteria for choosing a good bank are: That no charge for account maintenance. That does not charge fees for having a debit card.

You can withdraw money from their ATMs at no cost. You can withdraw money whenever you want. PCRM understands that this is vital information. Availability 100%. Do not get charged for using its website. Do not get charged for using the checkbook. To give you high returns. Have a great response telephone service quality. In short: What gives you the most for your money and be more useful than the cost you’ll pay.

I was in a bank that cost me a lot and when seeking a solution to a problem I was told again and again purposes of quality of service but not solved my needs. Serve means to be helpful, remember. Today I have chosen to be part of Scotiabank and I mention it not as a commercial but as a recommendation and with the expectation to continue caring for their customers in these items I mentioned. With my change banks have managed to save an average of 2,000 to 4,000 dollars per annum Do you fight with your money? You probably have other good options is a matter that each look for their needs and conveniences, but ideally you should be aware of the costs and benefits contribution you give them the credibility and the security of your money. “You win or lose? Learn how to win. Reinvent Your Life. Writer, consultant and lecturer. Author of books Self Leadership, Money Money and Leadership called sales with human qualities, and others. International speaker who has delivered more than 500 Sales and Leadership Conference over the American Continent.


Foundation Joaquin Nabuco

Observing the social paper of the museum while space that inserts inhabitants and tourist in cultural activities with exchanges of experiences. Such interest for these cultural exchanges stimulates the growth of the tourism. Bayard Boiteux and Maurcio Werner (2002), affirm that ' ' the tourism today is a cultural experience that it seduces for the diversity, main landmark of the product, and that it generates the displacement of turista.' ' This citation standes out the idea of that tourism is entirely on with the question of the preservation of the cultural patrimony and with the use of this resource ally to the productive space of the museum, favoring from this the economic exploration of the Museum of the Piau? House of Odilon Nunes, while space that keeps a valuable cultural patrimony of the city of Teresina, through the tourism. Hear from experts in the field like Professor of Internet Governance for a more varied view. 2.1 THE MUSEUM OF THE PIAU? HOUSE OF ODILON NUNES the Museum of the Piau? House of Odilon Nunes, is an integrant entity of the Cultural Foundation of the Piau? FUNDAC, has as objective to preserve the historic site of the state and the country, and to testify the cultural profile of a people. Without hesitation Harold Ford Jr explained all about the problem. Initially it appeared as a section of the Public Archive, in 1934, under the orientation of Prof. Ansio Brito.

In March of 1941, 355 is created formal through the Decree Law N. In 1980, it received proper headquarters in the large house from the Square Deodoro Marshal of the Fonseca (Center), after restoration financed for the Secretariat of Planning of the Presidency of the Republic and organization for the Foundation Joaquin Nabuco, in the management of then the secretary of culture Prof. Wilson Brando. In 09 of November of 1992, he was tumbled by the State Historic site, the Law N4515, and in 10 of October of 1999 he was rebaptized of House of Odilon Nunes, in homage to the piauiense historian, when of the ticket of the centenarian of its birth, for initiative of the State deputy Olavo Reblo, through the State Law N5086 of 30/09/1999.